Innovative afternoon at SEGES

Today Rasmus, Søren and Mads were presenting image-processing related results from the SmartGrass, CloverSense and RoboWeedMaps projects. Thanks to everyone who showed up and for the discussions afterwards.

Note: All videos are in Danish.

Metadiscussion of Deep Learning in Agriculture

Automatic recognition of weeds

Automatic clover-grass estimation

SAFE project demonstration day

The SAFE project officially ended 21st September 2017 with a demonstration day at HCA Airport in Odense, Denmark.

All project participants showed their achievements throughout the 4-year project, and several semi-autonomous robots were showcased both indoors and outdoors.

From Aarhus University, we contributed with a dataset demonstration video indoors, and online real-time obstacle detection and avoidance on an outdoor robot, using a combination of stereo camera and lidar. In the image below, our perception system is mounted on top of the small robot on the left.

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